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Search results

  1. Macan EV Turbo - PTS Riviera Blue 😍 Fully Loaded Spec

    Thank you - I'm real pleased how it's turned out... It's quite a bit darker than the Frozen Blue - I personally thought the frozen blue was a bit too light for my liking, then when the PTS options became available I snapped one up (after deliberating on options for days on end!) My partner...
  2. Macan EV Turbo - PTS Riviera Blue 😍 Fully Loaded Spec

    Picked up my Macan EV Turbo a couple of weeks ago... Have done 750+ miles in it, some long journeys in cold and wet conditions, and have been achieving a really impressive 2.9mi/kwh = 290 miles range from 100% charge. I think in more favourable weather conditions (warm and dry), over 300 miles...
