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Search results

  1. macanchan

    SAT Antenna error but still works!

    So after the trial XM ended I received an offer for $5/mo for 12 months. I scanned the QR code and got XM back in the Macan BUT I have the SAT antenna error again. I had this issue with my car when I took delivery and it seemed to go away on its own. Now that I subscribed to XM, i can hear...
  2. macanchan

    Activate Connected Services

    Ever since I got my car back from the dealer (who put the car into privacy mode) my car has had issues with plug & charge. i have the connect services ON, but when I try to toggle plug & charge ON, it says "authentication failed. activate connect services" Now I really don't want to bring the...
  3. macanchan

    TPMS Recall: WRS6

    Just took my car in for some PDI warranty items and was told there's a recall on TPMS System noted as "WRS6 Resetting Tyre Pressure Monitoring control unit" I haven't noticed any issues with my TPMS system.
  4. macanchan

    WTT: Rear Cargo Partition Net

    I purchased my car with the OEM luggage compartment partition net but thought I was getting the luggage net. Looking to trade for the OEM luggage net, front trunk liner, rear cargo liner mat, or other Macan/Porsche accessories welcome as trades. LMK what you got! $180 shipped or trades welcome.
  5. macanchan

    Customize passenger display wallpaper?

    Are we able to customize the passenger display wallpaper? I noticed we can have it display "Macan" when not in use, is there a way to customize it with a photo or other text?
  6. macanchan

    Launch Vehicles at dealerships

    Has anyone noticed the cars sitting at the dealerships that the window sticker says "Launch Vehicle" These cars are well-optioned but they don't seem like they are selling! Maybe the discounts/lease deals will come sooner than we think! Since mine was ordered, it does NOT show "Launch...
  7. macanchan

    How many miles/km on your car when you took delivery?

    I picked up my Macan Turbo the first weekend it was available 9/21. It had 26 miles ~roughly 42km, the highest I've ever had on a new car. Anyone else have similar miles/km before they took delivery? Did the entire staff take my turbo for joy ride? :surprised:
  8. macanchan

    Towing - US Trailer Hitch without Tow Ball vs ROW Electric Tow Ball

    I noticed the US spec Macan have the optional a trailer hitch without a tow ball. For the ROW Macan, have the electric tow ball that's hidden under the car, can this be retrofitted on US spec cars? or does it not meet DOT regulations? It seems the US spec cars don't have the: "Trailer...
  9. macanchan

    California Macan Electric Owner's Events

    Hi Everyone! Looks like I'm first to post here! If you're here, Congrats on your Macan EV! I think it would be fun to start a group event for the Macan Electric. Meet & Greet: DEC 2024? Off-Road Trail Drive / Sequoia National Park Visit? 2025 HPDE Track Day at Buttonwillow, maybe a half...
  10. macanchan

    Is this a sensor? What is this for?

    Just wondering what this is exactly. Red arrow in photo pointing to the object in question. I also noticed the grill louvers look like they can move. Are they Active louvers? Thanks
  11. macanchan

    Auto Camera ON when parking

    My camera is set to turn on Automatically when parking, it just doesn't want to turn on unless I stop in the middle of parking and move again. I also noticed the surround side view cameras doesn't always come on, you have to select the parking camera icon on the left menu for it to appear...
  12. macanchan

    Burmester System Review (Macan Turbo EV)

    I wanted to take the time to review the Burmester stereo incase anyone was on the fence of ordering this option. I haven't listened to the new Bose system so I wouldn't be able to compare to two. I had Bose in my previous ICE Macan and was satisfied with that. Treble and Clarity is...
  13. macanchan

    Climate Control Issue - Passenger Footwell Vent & Dash Center Vent

    My passenger side floor vent / flapper will not close. Constantly blows air unless climate control is turned off. The up/down toggle on the center console wont turn the fan/system off on passenger side floor. I need to go through the screen menu to turn off the fan. Climate Control button on...
  14. macanchan

    Satellite Radio losing connection

    Picked up my Macan on Saturday and the Satellite radio has been losing connection prompting a restart. I'll have to try to hold the power button down for 30 seconds to see if this resets anything.
