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Search results

  1. BigApple

    Lock / Unlock through app (latest version 14.0.1) misleading response.

    I just tested to unlock my car remotely through the app. The car unlocked just fine, but the app says that this function is currently not available. And it makes you believe that the car is still locked or unlocked. Yet it worked as intended. You may leave it alone not knowing the car is...
  2. BigApple

    What PIWIS version for EV ?

    hoping I can learn more about coding options on this new platform. would PIWIS 3 still be sufficient or does it require PIWIS 4 onwards ? Also assuming PIWIS is the only platform to successfully code a EV macan.
  3. BigApple

    Is Keyless Entry UWB?

    Considering the macan is on a brand new platform. I wonder if Porsche equipped the car with Ultra Wide band to make it more secure from car theft ? not sure if anyone knows. Would be nice if they made an effort on this.
  4. BigApple

    IGLA anti theft system for MACAN EV

    has Anyone successfully installed this on an Porsche EV Macan ? I think this is a great solution to theft. but will it work with this new platform or Porsche itself. I reached out to the manufacture but have not heard back yet.
  5. BigApple

    Any good PPF & Tint shop in NJ ?

    Dont want to risk it from the dealer. Does anyone know a good shop that knows what they are doing ? NJ preferred.
  6. BigApple

    12v Battery capacity and charge type?

    Getting a 3ch dascam that has a higher draw then a normal 1ch. to make sure I don’t drain my 12v battery during overnight parking as I hardwire it to the constant 12v. Does anyone know the capacity on the Macan ev turbo and how it is charged. Some ev’s Trickle charge the 12 v battery. Some...
  7. BigApple

    This is getting crazy

    So far to the State/gov to encourage people to go EV ...
  8. BigApple

    Kill Switch needed for a Macan ?

    I have a Kill Switch in My BMW ICE M3 to make sure should they get into the car at least they won't leave with it (Unless they tow it) How can this be handled on my New Turbo Macan EV. Or is it even needed. I don't know how this can be tackled with EV cars. Thank you for your thoughts.
  9. BigApple

    Coding Options

    Considering that the Macan is Made for different Regions of the world. There are some features that are coded out for certain places. I was told the Matrix lights for Germany are configured to play/show a sequence when starting up. That option was removed for the US Market I was told. So...
