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Search results

  1. Cogs79

    What sound do your doors make when closing? Solid thunk or rattles?

    Hi, I have a dealer visit scheduled next Wednesday for a number of issues, the majority being rattling. Now that the temperature is warmer, it's like everything is coming loose including the suspension. When the temperature was -16 C, I swear I was almost in tears at how solid the car felt...
  2. Cogs79

    New tires detected warning on the cluster, tire pressure warning light blinking

    Hi, It's still winter here and I haven't changed tires yet my Macan 4 thinks there are new tires. It gives the message on the right pod and blinks the tire pressure light. I got out of the car for a few minutes (powered it off) but it looks like the car deleted/forgot the tire sensor pairing. I...
  3. Cogs79

    Rear axle steering feels like a tire will fall off when at full lock

    Hi, I backed out of my driveway this morning and I thought I felt the rear end wobble like a tire was about to fall off. I shrugged it off as there is snow and ice on the roads and thought I was going over compact snow. When arriving at work, I have to turn full lock to drive right into the...
  4. Cogs79

    Where is this Porsche dealer premium experience that I keep hearing about?

    Hi, My Macan EV is the first Porsche, and Porsche dealer experience that I have had. Having dealt with 2 dealers (the one I bought the car, and the one I just scheduled an appointment to fix all the issues), my first impression of Porsche dealers is almost like they are amateurish, especially...
  5. Cogs79

    Bose died on this morning's commute, and surround view greyed out

    Hi, Another week, another problem(s). I was listening to SiriusXM while stuck in traffic and then all of a sudden the sound cut. I thought it was just a signal quality issue with SiriusXM so I switched to the radio and there were no sounds. I had to change lane at one point and there were no...
  6. Cogs79

    Black Macan 4 EV is home! Midlife crisis? Maybe...but it's worth it!

    Hi Everyone, Very long post ahead! I am happy to be a part of the Porsche family having picked up a black 2024 Macan 4 EV yesterday! As a quick background, my wife and I have never made any kind of car purchase remotely like this one, especially in this price range. In fact I am coming from a...
