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Search results

  1. louv

    Bad Sign?

    It’s October. So I’m sitting outside my dealership as they swap on my winter wheels & tires. Another Taycan is brought out of service and parked nearby. The head service technician, who was driving it, gets out, looks over at me, and says “Good morning, Mr Louv.” Is it a bad sign that the...
  2. louv

    I got a little brother for my panther

    I picked up a little brother electric. 35% of the battery capacity. 80% the weight. 40% the range. 20% Max charge rate. 25% the price. cute and fun to drive.
  3. louv

    Zoom Backdrops

    Video Conferencing is the New Normal. Here's my contribution to the New Normal: Zoom (or other videoconferencing) backdrops. https://www.flickr.com/photos/188506230@N04/ If you like them, feel free to download and use them (for personal use). If you want some Taycan Backdrops, I could...
