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Search results

  1. ThomasDK

    OBD to track Battery SOH?

    Anyone planning to follow the battery SOH with a OBD?
  2. ThomasDK

    Macan EV in Porsche App - Post Yours! 📲

    App with my Macan 💪🏻
  3. ThomasDK

    Update: DELIVERED Thursday September 19 in Denmark

    Update: Finally got my Macan4 in standard Black
  4. ThomasDK

    Way Better surround view than Taycan

    In video from 34,38 💪🏻
  5. ThomasDK

    Contacted by Porsche to configure my Macan EV Jan. 30

    Finally something is happening. I got an email today that I can configure my Macan 30 Januar at 2 pm at my local dealer. I hope they will pay me something for the old Taycan 4S
  6. ThomasDK

    MacanE spottet in Denmark

    Nice to see the Car in person, looks like a practical high Taycan ?
  7. ThomasDK

    Macan EV Spied Towing Trailer

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