My car has been at the German port for two weeks now.
For those who are based in northern California or US at large, how long did it take for your car to go from the German port to being delivered to the dealer?
Great news that the newer cars seem to have the metal piece painted or cover. I had to re-spec my build when i saw the the metal part was clearly visible even at a distance.
I'm considering switching from a Model 3 Performance to an SUV, mainly because of the frequent 3+ hour ski trips I make each winter. My plan was to use a trailer hitch for mounting a ski rack at the back, but I'm having reservations due to the highly visible gap near the hitch (see attached...
Thanks to all your input, i went and test drove the Macan 4 today at the local dealer. It's a fairly base model w/ very few options (no HUD, RAS, InnovDrive) but was surprised by how quiet it was and it still put a smile on my face when going down the ramp.
I asked about placing an order, but...
Thank you @daveo4EV, @tmrqs and @MFitz!
I wanted to wait until Dec or Jan to place the order so that there is a chance the early issues (outside of delivery) can be resolved.
New to the forum and looking to place an order in the coming months.
For those who are based in the US and placed the order recently, do you know how long is the wait from order to build to delivery?