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Search results

  1. chrisng

    Received my 4S this week!

    I have similar external and internal colour specs and hope they will look great too. Was a little worried as it is hard to make up how aventurine green looks like in person. Congrats to your nice config and enjoy.
  2. chrisng

    Price of a Macan EV in Singapore

    Thanks for the clarification. That is correct , it’s the total price after adding these few elements, just a note on the usd130k it is not a tax but rather a certificate of entitlement. In the same vein are the imposed taxes, tariffs , freight. They sure don’t go to the seller but forms part...
  3. chrisng

    Price of a Macan EV in Singapore

    It will end up the same cost or more , plus the requirements to be an importer and all the tax processes. It is different from buying regular products overseas as apparently the government will ensure all avenues are restricted to achieve its final objective.
  4. chrisng

    Price of a Macan EV in Singapore

    definitely much more here as it’s only for 10 years…. we are talking a usd25k depreciation per annum for this model.
  5. chrisng

    Price of a Macan EV in Singapore

    Am comparing the prices across countries and wanted to share the exorbitant price here in Singapore. A Macan 4 EV is currently selling at USD280k , with USD100k going to a certificate to own the vehicle. This certificate has a lifespan of 10 years where one must bid for again at the end of...
