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Search results

  1. Dealer recall - battery inspection

    Update today as the dealer call me back. The whole battery pack have to be changed, it is initiative from battery manufacturer himself. Don't know what kind of risk to happen and the dealer seems to have no real idea... So new battery pack in order and they don't know how much time it will take...
  2. Dealer recall - battery inspection

    Not really, how do you know that ? Probably around October, I was delivered in the beginning of November.
  3. Dealer recall - battery inspection

    Hello, Let my turbo to the dealer today. Germany sent them a protocol to test the battery because they doubt about reliability. Depending on the test, they will do nothing or change cells or change the whole battery. They told me that this recall is probably based on VIN and data analysis...
  4. Tidal built-in apps center

    Hey, Just found this morning Tidal app available and installed successfully! Works nice 🙂
  5. Dealer recall - battery inspection

    Didn't asked but should be the high one, I will tell you more Tuesday after returning the Macan.
  6. Dealer recall - battery inspection

    Hello, Just received a call from my dealer asked me to bring back my Macan turbo for a battery inspection. He was not clear about the delay, maybe 1 week or more... Does anyone experienced same thing ?
  7. Battery indicator stick at 100%

    Yes, it was in between usual consumption and battery not going down. On the map also, final destination was estimated at 25% but after 80km it showed 40%. Mainly, I was afraid to be not able to charge at HPC if the car say 100%... Another bug in the Porsche's beta program...
  8. Battery indicator stick at 100%

    Hi, Share a new issue appears yesterday, Macan charged to 100% before a long trip. After 80 kilometers, the battery indicator stick at 100%. The battery's temperature also stick at 10 degrees. The consumption rate at 29kwh/100km told me that I should consume around 25%. I decided to stop the...
  9. Tire Sealing Compound and Air Compressor

    Thanks so much for your help, I will definitely follow your recommendation.
  10. Tire Sealing Compound and Air Compressor

    Unfortunately, it's empty there... Probably useless in France 😏 I hope ! @byebye same for you?
  11. Tire Sealing Compound and Air Compressor

    Is this oem compressor standard or optional for Macan? I don't have this in mine.
  12. Active cooling flaps - how do they work?

    Does anyone knows how active cooling flags on the front bumper works ? Seems to be open all the time, but maybe only changes while driving ?
  13. Nice feature when trailer disconnected

    Hi, This morning I was surprised by an alarm on my car. The car was closed before I unplugged my trailer and after a few seconds, got horn and warning lights on the car. The car himself on the dashboard didn't told me what's wrong but the app does. I was not aware of that, so just to share my...
  14. Insurance costs for your Macan EV?

    1458€ (VAT included) /year here in France for myself. Macan Turbo.
  15. Tidal built-in apps center

    Yesterday Tidal came again in the list with a lot of others applications. But unfortunately, install failed. But now I have some pictures for my SA.... Hope he'll find the reason. Then after refreshing the list, this shrink down without Tidal in.
  16. Tidal built-in apps center

    Hi, Does somebody found Tidal in apps center? When I was at the dealer shop, the tidal application was listed but impossible to install. Then a refresh on the list made it disappears, so I expect Porsche will launch it soon. Otherwise they decided to remove it. I prefer built in apps vs...
  17. Plug and Charge works after reset

    Hi, same for me on my Macan Turbo, after 10 days without any automatic correction from the PCM, I found the trick here and it works perfectly. Thanks
