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Search results

  1. jimmy0890

    Eletrict Buzzing Noise in the car

    If you paid £90000 to buy a car, but every time you turn on the car there will have noise when you are driving, do you think it’s nothing to fuss???!!!
  2. jimmy0890

    Humming from Overhead console or PCM?

    Can I ask if there have anything I can do to repair it?
  3. jimmy0890

    Humming from Overhead console or PCM?

    I have the same issues, and took the car to Porsche West London, they can not found anything! The noise is relating to the headlight. When you switch off the light, it will disappear. But when you switch on, it will come back again!
  4. jimmy0890

    Eletrict Buzzing Noise in the car

    Hello guys, My one is a Macan 4S with Matrix LED. In past few weeks, I found there always has some Eletrict Buzzing Noise inside the car , like the white noise. I took the car to Porsche West London, and they can not find anything wrong. In fact, they told me they can not hear anything wrong...
