Hi, according to my Porsche dealership, there's a mechanism to release the chargng cable if it's stuck (via the boot/trunk) however there's no manual release for the chatging ports. On the Taycan there was a tool top force the door open, this isn't the case with the Macan EV.
I’ve had my Macan 4s EV for a few weeks and have charged it a couple of times without issue. The car is fitted with electric charging ports. Today I attempted to open the charge ports and neither would open either physically or via the PCM Menu which says. ‘Function not available’ when...
Hi, I’m awaiting a Macan 4 which should arrive at the dealership next week. Was told I can have it after the official launch event for the car. Had an email/invite saying the dealerships launch evening is on Thursday 10th October 3 weeks away. I was originally told July !