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Search results


    Does driving a Taycan make one an official EV and/or Porsche brand ambassador?

    It goes with the car right now unfortunately. You are an ambassador for both. I tend to keep info on hand to give them so i dont waste my time having to educate every single one of them that feels the need to tell me why they think they are so smart and did about 2 seconds of looking on social...

    "There's only one customer for electric vehicles" - Article link

    Most of the grid will eventually be able to handle the cars. The grid has grown over the many decades to accommodate our lives and needs and will continue to do so with proper investment and management. Texas tho….ay yi yi….you guys have a unique mess that will take quite some doing to fix, but...

    What everyone should know before they buy an EV

    I would add a little more to the fast DC charging section. If you read that WSJ article, you can see how people who just dont know about charging can get confused. All fast charging is not equal, as apps like PlugShare will show fast charging stations that give 25kw all the way up to the 350kw...

    Darwin Award finalists, early 2021 leaders

    If you dont feel it is appropriate, by all means, continue on To the next post. I’m not going to personally shed a tear or be nice about extreme foolishness, even if this is the result. I can feel horrible for their families, which I do, but these clowns i got nothing but derision for. Should I...

    Darwin Award finalists, early 2021 leaders

    In their Tesla in “self driving’” mode. https://www.cnet.com/roadshow/news/tesla-model-s-crash-autopilot-dead/ There’s just no patch for stupid... I just know this will bleed over into more EV jokes/concerns about bursting into flames. Gotten a few already...
