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Search results

  1. pnw-ev-nerd

    Turmoil at VW: Porsches Postponed by Buggy Software Cost VW’s CEO His Job

    I adore my 4S CT overall, but the software issues in the car, in the app, and on the backend are so very very bad that I think that shitcanning the CEO doesn't go far enough. There is surely an entire chain of management and executives that need to be thrown out the door and replaced by...
  2. pnw-ev-nerd

    Turmoil at VW: Porsches Postponed by Buggy Software Cost VW’s CEO His Job

    I sure as hell hope not. I want Google as far away from me and my things as possible. Unless they completely strip all Google services and frameworks such that they can't siphon up and sell my data or volunteer my driving or search history to law enforcement en masse based on keyword or...
  3. pnw-ev-nerd

    Watch collectors - let's talk watches here!

    What, no tritium love in here?? and the whole (working) collection:
