I think it's really great the CEO did this. He got to experience the real EA experience.
I hope they focus on reliability/uptime, and also canopies so we don't get rained on.
And trash cans.
It will have a better front end when it ships, guaranteed.
I just look forward to easier ingress/egress without the completely unnecessary back set of doors and back seat!
I've had a mix.
- Heckled at Amarillo EA station "You'd be done already if dat thing waz gas!" etc.
- A woman rolled down her window to visibly laugh/mock me waiting my turn at a busy EA station in Waco. Not gonna lie, I was pretty unhappy with EA that day and she had a point. :)...
I've been heckled as well at a charger. I'm curious what their goal is, do they really think after talking with you that you'll immediately dump your car for ICE?
The EV haters tend to be small-minded, small-town people fed a narrative by their diet of slanted media. They are afraid watching...
When I traded in my Targa 4S it was lowballed a bit, and the reason was the stop-sale due to the Sport+ mode emissions issue. I believe this to be a legit thing.
I've had 3 cars in the affected window:
2014 Targa 4S
2010 997
2008 Boxster S
I haven't decided yet if I am going to pursue it.