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Search results

  1. Midlifecrisis

    "There’s a new form of keyless car theft that works in under 2 minutes" - Article

    It’s probably more use than a Taycan in Africa where it has now ended up. I am not sure where the market is for stolen Taycans although I assume there must be one
  2. Midlifecrisis

    Do you have other EV's?

    So everyone seems to love their EVs (except possibly the Leaf). Has anyone had an EV that they really didn’t like or would not recommend?
  3. Midlifecrisis

    Post is gone.

    Are you going to elaborate on how it drove/what you liked/what you didn’t like etc?
  4. Midlifecrisis

    Audio / Hi-fi thread

    Perhaps a more relevant question is whether anyone has upgraded their base audio since that is what a lot of people might now be getting but not wanting. If so, with what, at what cost and how good a result?
  5. Midlifecrisis

    "UK Inches Closer To Eliminating Private Car Ownership" Article

    Let’s hope it’s true. It suggests that private car ownership will be the reserve of the rich - so everyone on this forum who owns a Taycan should qualify. Is there anyone here who would not pay extra to have less traffic on the roads? Possibly a non -PC view there which might generate some...