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Search results

  1. Does driving a Taycan make one an official EV and/or Porsche brand ambassador?

    Admittedly I have only charged at a Walmart once, but my public experience has overwhelmingly been honest, straightforward questions from people. They are curious about the car and what is good and bad about driving an EV. I can honestly say most things are great - charging at home is easy, plug...
  2. Does driving a Taycan make one an official EV and/or Porsche brand ambassador?

    One day over 60 years ago in small town in Michigan’s upper peninsula a strange little car was parked outside a coffee shop. as a small group of 13 year old boys admired the car, the owner came up and spent a half hour showing us his Speedster And answering our questions. Over the past 50 years...
  3. Music on Collection Day

    When I picked mine up, the order was: Autobahn Highway Star Freeway Jam then I was home!
  4. Other Hobbies

  5. The New 7 Series BMW

    Chris Bangle would be an improvement
