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Search results

  1. Tighlines

    "Driver of luxury Porsche caught speeding at more than 120mph on leafy Cheshire road" Article

    What method do the police in England use to "clock" a drivers speed? In the states it's various types of methods but mostly Ka radar band which is easily picked up by radar detectors. And, how are radar detectors viewed over there?
  2. Tighlines

    Electrify America CEO-Elect's Coast-To-Coast Road Trip using EA charging stations - Video

    Comical EA charging experience today. I set my trip planner to arrive and charge at the only EA station in northern Colorado. It says 1 of 3 350kw chargers are available and the only other charger is a 150kw and it's occupied. When I arrive, I find the 3 350kw chargers are all occupied and the...
  3. Tighlines

    No Taycans: The 50 Fastest Speeding Tickets in Texas in 2022

    I was expecting more from TX. Only one ticket over 155... and in a Dodge no less. I'd be worried that POS would disintegrate on me. I've hit 160 in a Panamera, she (and I) wanted more but it's so hard to go that fast safely.
  4. Tighlines

    Thoughts on 992.2 facelift.

    Porsche has had the best looking ass's in the game for many years. Inevitable that they get copied. Just like Aston Martin has had the best looking fronts for many years, many brands have copied their fronts. In the end, it is the total design package that brings it all together and that's where...
