Supersonic red in the Platinum trim is going to look with all the black trim/wheels. That red really pops. Anyone notice that we've seen just about every trim level in different colors so far except for the Platinum. For example, we saw the Limited trim in Heritage Blue at the walk-around videos and then saw it in Supersonic red in the drive videos. We've only seen the Platinum in Underground. Underground is my top choice, but I might waver some after seeing a Supersonic red Platinum. I'm not sure how the navy blue interior will go with the red exterior though. I'd rather have a black or grey interior with the Supersonic red exterior.
I saw an underground Tacoma at a local dealership when getting my 5th gen 4Runner serviced for the last time. From a distance, the undergound color looked nice but up close, it just kind of fell flat for me. Darker colors do look great when cleaned up but it takes a hell of a lot of work to keep them looking good. I stay with the white and with my incoming Sport Premium, I am getting Wind Chill Pearl, but the red does look really good. I think the blue looks OK but is kind of like a fad that will fade (not the paint), the appeal will fade in time. Just my opinion. And the blue interior on the platinum, I think Toyota knows what they are doing. That blue will look good with any exterior color IMO.
Black trim (unchromed) and black rims were always a sign of a base model low end optioned vehicle when I was a kid in the 70's. I dont like the current trend. When people take the emblems off of their vehicles "debadged" I have to chuckle and say "what are these people trying to accomplish by doing this everybody can see it s Prius etc.." Many of the most expensive custom car builders keep the emblems on their builds.
I want chrome and shiny things on my vehicles. The Limited in the red looks great and 10 years from now maybe Ill buy one