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Voice Select app


Well-Known Member
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Nov 17, 2024
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New Hampshire
2024 Macan 4 (Volvo XC60 PHEV, Subaru Forester ICE)
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I was looking through the App Center and I saw the app Voice Select which offered an update. I did the update.

I then looked for the App on the menu, and it did not appear. Long story short, it turns out to use the app, you need to either activate it (Hey Porsche, Activate Voice Select) or go to the Settings/Accessibility menu.

The purpose of this app is to operate functions that appear on the PCM by voice. It assigns a number to each icon button on the screen, and then theoretically you can say (e.g.) "Tap 4" and it will activate the icon labeled #4. You can also say "Swipe Left", (or right or up or down). Unfortunately, it seems a bit buggy (doesn't always respond), and it apparently deactivates the Voice Assistant. It also tends to hide the icons behind the number labels.

It's too bad, because in principal it allows you to control the PCM touch screen in a less distracting way. I'd love to see this app improved and integrated directly into Voice Control. I had a little trouble figuring out how to deactivate it again also (I had activated it by voice, but apparently you can only deactivate it by finding it on the Accessibility menu and switching it off, because it doesn't seem able to shut itself off and it kills Voice Control) All in all, I feel like this app is in an early beta testing state and is more annoying than helpful as a result.

I did a Google search and a site search and nothing. Does anyone know more about this app?

Electric Macan EV Voice Select app Accessibility Menu
Electric Macan EV Voice Select app Voice Select
