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Recent content by dgkhn

  1. Instrument Cluster Warning

    We in the U.S. do not get the international pictograms, but most likely, "no passing zone".
  2. [Poll] - Porsche charging specification lie? Macan is not allowing 11 kW max charge rate - capped at 40 amps? 9.6 kW max rate.

    Yes, I believe this change was made a couple of months ago. I'm with you in that I find it hard to believe that there is a hardware difference between the charger on North American Macans and the rest of the world. This, of course, does not change the fact that we who have had our Macans for a...
  3. [Poll] - Porsche charging specification lie? Macan is not allowing 11 kW max charge rate - capped at 40 amps? 9.6 kW max rate.

    I wonder why both of my ChargePoint Home Flex's set to 48 amps on 60 amp breakers have never reported more than 9.4kW to the Macan (that I've observed, anyway). The Macan itself typically reports 9.1 kW on these EVSE's. I wonder how you've gotten to 40.7 amps. Unless, possibly, under voltage...
  4. Macan EV 4S will not start. Battery at 70% full

    OTOH, when I exited my car and shut the door just now, it didn't just immediately shut down...there was a slight delay during which it briefly displayed a logo.
  5. Very strange experience I've just been through...........

    Not really helpful, but agree with the observation that the key fob problem and this one are likely related. It certainly sounds as if the 12v went dead. What are the odds that both your key fobs are defective such that they drain in three weeks (in isolation). (Have you tried keeping one of...
  6. Macan EV 4S will not start. Battery at 70% full

    Probably just a dumb thought: I think it's acting as it would if the driver's seat were not occupied (in which case, shut the door and it shuts off, as if you've left the car.) I wonder if it's not sensing your presence in the driver's seat. Maybe have a gander at the connectors under the...
  7. Macan EV 4S will not start. Battery at 70% full

    OMG, that must feel so frustrating. It's like upside-down world.
  8. Official: Macan will be electric only - Porsche stands by earlier decision

    Taking an optimistic view (i.e. ignoring scenarios where there won't be anyone to drive anything, or where there won't be energy or technology to permit driving anything) I'm thinking no one will actually be driving except recreationally, and maybe by that time we'll have satellites capturing...
  9. Tariff anxiety . . .

    I'd say that takes some intense assuming. Assuming PCNA, as the importer, actually pays the tariff, we don't know: *Will the mother ship (PAG) subsidize the tariff cost (short or long term)? *Will PCNA subsidize the cost, short or long term? *Given that PCNA, and subsequently the dealers, will...
  10. Official: Macan will be electric only - Porsche stands by earlier decision

    I'm sure you meant "No chance this decade." But this amused me because I started thinking about what "we" will be driving by the end of this century, and that requires some intense imagining!
  11. Macan 4 won’t go into drive or reverse & Cruise control irregularities.

    I've seen this a couple of times, where it seems to jump to an odd speed. Not repeatable and I was not certain if it was not user error (though I'm pretty sure not.)
  12. Article: Macan EV is an out-of-the-gate sales success

    Oh wow, to me the sarcasm was clear, and sometimes it feels good to get it out of your system. And to repeat for those who don't follow me particularly, I love my Macan EV, and now I love EV's, and I'm not going back (although my center screen blanked out for 10 minutes the other day, and the...
  13. Article: Macan EV is an out-of-the-gate sales success

    My feeling is that the article makes an assertion, but does little to back it up (no hard numbers whatsoever), other than the softish statistic that 40% of Macan sales in the US so far in 2025 are EV's (which even if factual is not really evidence of the assertion.)
  14. Car Wash - Won't stay in neutral

    Going from Drive to Neutral here is what I see (in this case, I had to first x out of the camera view):
  15. Car Wash - Won't stay in neutral

    Sorry to answer off the cuff, (I would have to go check to confirm which I can't do right now), but the one time I did try this (shifting to neutral), I got a message on the center screen asking whether I wanted to stay in neutral when the door was opened (I don't remember the exact wording); I...
