One thing that strikes me every time is how beat the camera‘s of the Porsche are, the iX camera system, way older is much better … also in Part because the screen is bigger in the BMW …
Correct but it needs to be more then a few percent (the error of measurement will be way to big), all the YT use this method, and I see calculated battery sizes of around 91 to 93kwh for the Q6 … maybe I need to drive more then 30% … and more like 70 to 80%. In any case both my runs pointed to...
2 trips one leg to, one leg back home …
To was slight headwind and not flat, hilly road some 200m meter up down
Trip to was around 20C trip back around 16 and
The way back was same little shorter as we drove not some extra errant like on the way to.
So on the way to we consumed like 33% and the...
Yes it’s an issue and beyond me there is no emergency recall, accident bound to happen. I hope I do not run over one of my family members … or my wife kills me by accident 🥴
I need to wear reading glasses so HUD is almost mandatory … the RWS is really nice and have it on Macan and iX … it makes the cares agile, like a class smaller … The Porsche is more aggressive in this respect and almost makes it like driving a cart.
While I was initially moaning for the lack of buttons, in reality I hardly use the screen, climate is always at 21C … navigation is done by voice control, so yeah I do like the Macan has a bit more physical buttons but they are mostly for climate control, which typically is something hardly gets...
well difficult to say the Porsche HUD can be big if you activate Innodrive, it will draw a big overlay but will disappear ones active, in normal use they do not differ that much, and quite frankly I really should compare them within minutes as my mind can play tricks on me ...
It's a difficult to compare now, as the iX is mainly driven now by my Wife and The Macan by me, I always try to optimise, software no heating etc ... while my wife puts heating on max, so the iX is showing less range now then the Macan, but if both are driven same way the difference was like 50...
800V is not the ends of all means, my iX and Macan do not differ that much in charging time, and I beg to claim that the iX charges more km/minute because of efficiency ... Also the times I need to fast charge are limited and in many cases I have 400kw chargers at best that are being shared as...
Well the new one with the sport package in black is really nice, but again it’s personal, I already blacked out the front grill …
You mention space and range, but for me the real kicker is the software, both in car and the app and the audio system, man I enjoy the B&W system every minute and...
Hmmm the difference in sporty handling between the iX M70 and the Turbo will be very small, especially on public roads, and is mostly due to the size / wheelbase setup … If I would need to buy again today the iX will win it hands down … but as with everything it’s a personal taste … but software...
Frankly the new iX in the right trim looks very good, and 10% better efficiency, if I would have to choose again, the updated iX anytime of the day … today I did a trip of 360km, I had to charge the Macan, the iX I can easily do that without a stop … If the depreciation was not that horrible I...
Yeah it’s obnoxious, it’s a bug they claimed should have been fixed … on the other hand if you paid, you would see that the directions even show up in the HUD, on my iX not, kind of strange, but on my iX it will trigger even the battery pre conditioning … The positive side is that other apps are...
Yes, I’ve seen widely different consumption numbers as well on same routes/driving. Temperature has a huge impact on consumption … more then with other EV’s or so it seems. I’ve also seen un predicted regen, it seems when you set it to coast regen not always kicks in and you need to toggle it on...
I can’t say, but the way it moves with RWS and 90 degree turn in corner when you floor the Turbo is just beyond belief … it‘s something I never experienced … and puts an instant grin on your face … maybe a 4 does it as well …
Many reviews try to evaluate to much and focus on software items these days,
but for car enthousiasts it‘s simple
1) how does the car drive/handle/performance.
2)comfort/sport/interior quality
3) practicality: range / how fast can it charge / plan / pre heat battery
4) software is very...
As many know, I’m very critical of my cars, so much that some wondered if I really had it and was just a troll 😜
I started watching and I could not stand the vibe and over critical on everything attitude.
Yes, the software, especially the app needs work, yes even the Burmester is meh for the...
My initial experience was that of a trunk not opening and then a high voltage error, the first issue was resolved quickly, the second one turned out to be a defective e sound module, it took Porsche about a month to find that … but since then no issues and it drives like a Porsche Turbo., so...