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Search results

  1. nulled

    Off-roading, post your pics

    Thanks! The highest setting is really just for emergencies when you need maximum ground clearance. The ride quality definitely suffers the higher you go. The off-road mode is handy for gravel and rough paths, but I wouldn’t exactly call it true off-roading 😅
  2. nulled

    Off-roading, post your pics

    Softroad. There was 10% asphalt and 90% potholes 😅. The car did well but it's not what it was meant for.
  3. nulled

    Phone as Key is coming - found option called ‘Digital key’ in PCM

    I think their marketing/PR team must be sleeping… Each thing you mentioned could have been a separate press release. Tesla used to make big noise from launching Apple Music, Tidal, etc.
  4. nulled

    Phone as Key is coming - found option called ‘Digital key’ in PCM

    No OTA or dealer updates. They might be changing things without updating the OS itself. It seems that every part of the OS is running as an app, so they could be tweaking things all the time.
  5. nulled

    Phone as Key is coming - found option called ‘Digital key’ in PCM

    I suspect it's a system app that is still being tested and launched to customers yet. Hopefully they will do an OTA at some point to activate it...
  6. nulled

    Macan EV PCM — Tips and Tricks

    Alternative route is an option that is switched off by default. Not sure if they pushed it OTA or I missed it. But it’s super handy feature. You can enable it via Map Settings -> Map Contents. Should be on by default…
  7. nulled

    Phone as Key is coming - found option called ‘Digital key’ in PCM

    Just found an option called ‘Digital key’ while scouting the PCM for changing the country.
  8. nulled

    Front noise when turning

    I spent a few hours driving today and tested the steering in both the left and right locked positions, but this time there was no noise. Makes me wonder if the cold weather might have something to do with it.
  9. nulled

    Front noise when turning

    The sound reminded me exactly of that but I was on a completely flat surface...
  10. nulled

    Front noise when turning

    I can confirm it happened also in D on a steep climb while again having the steering turned all the way.
  11. nulled

    Foggy windows despite AC On (Fixed)

    Thank you for the explanation! I’ve spent the past few years driving around Portugal, but this is my first time navigating mountain roads, so the whole tunnel situation is completely new to me.
  12. nulled

    Front noise when turning

    This is the third time I’ve noticed a noise coming from the front wheels when turning the steering wheel all the way while reversing out of a parking spot. It sounds like a sort of clunking noise, and I’m not sure if it’s related to the air suspension or just the brake discs. Has anyone else...
  13. nulled

    Foggy windows despite AC On (Fixed)

    Today, while driving through a tunnel, windows got super foggy, despite having the AC set to Auto. I had to blast the defoggers. It’s the first time this has happened to me, and I think it might be a software bug. I wonder if anyone else has experienced it.
  14. nulled

    Dashcam installation issues -- fuse box location?

    I can recommend Garmin Live LTE. It has an alway on OBD cable that will switch off the cam in case the battery of the car is too low. Took me 10min to install and it’s nicely hidden behind the mirror. Car has been in the garage for a week and the V12 battery is fine. Hope this help
  15. nulled

    Both manual charge flaps not opening - Macan4

    I can confirm the door issue. Same on mine… they showed me few Macans they all had the same closing ”style”. I rented a Q5 ICE few months ago and had no issues like this.
  16. nulled

    Macan EV outsold ICE model by almost double in Q4 2024

    ICE has no future—just like gas lamps before it, it’s destined to be a relic of the past.
  17. nulled

    Dash cam?

    I missed the Sentry Mode feature in my Tesla, so I got a Garmin dash cam with LTE to keep an eye on the car while it’s parked. As a bonus, it also alerts me to speed cameras.
  18. nulled

    Latest OutofSpec Dave review - not good

    I would take this score with a pinch of salt. Either that or I am one of those lucky guys that had no major issues. I was in a Tesla recently and felt like a cardboard on wheel after driving the Macan for 4 months.
  19. nulled

    Front sensors don't handle rain very well?

    Been driving it through an orange code storm (Porsche storm chaser) with no issues. Rain was so bad that traffic on the highway went still. I am with innodrive and ceramic coating. (Had no issues before the coating).
  20. nulled

    Does V12 recharge automatically? (Dash cam installation related)

    I recently connected a Garmin Live Dash with constant power cable so I can use the Park Guard. If the V12 recharges via the high-voltage battery, I should be able to keep the Park Guard running 24/7 without issues but if it doesn't, it will kill the V12. Seems that Garmin has some sort of...
