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Latest OutofSpec Dave review - not good


Macan 4S
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wow oh wow - tough room…but yeah we could all do with less YT content…

my main "issue" with OOS remains the meandering nature of their content and this overall feeling of "OMG can you please just get to the point" - because of that I rarely watch their videos

the video I do watch from OOS - while I find the length/duration to be horrid - I love the energy, attitude, and generally the accuracy - they seem less "swarmy" than a lot of YT reviewers and more interested in EV forward thinking and evaluation.

I respect OOS, but I'm not their target demographic, and do not appreciate being asked to invest 1+ hour of time to tease out a few minutes worth of insightful content.

the space they are operating in is a demanding business and I have a lot of respect for them being successful in that space, it doesn't happen easily, it takes hard work, a lot of time, and commitment…

however at the end of the day I've grown to despise YT/Instagram//TikTok/Facebook, "influencers", and the general approach of some people feeling they need to document every min of their lives for me/us to view, evaluate, emulate and/or judge…it seems a terrible distraction and there has been loss of focus on other areas that matter…

I'm on a once-in-life-time trip right now - and I'm making a conscious effort to use my phone less, fewer photos, more time just staring at the things I've traveled so far to see…and spending time with the people I'm with, and my wife…I'm having some mild success and my phone battery is ending the day at higher % than it normally does…progress is clear but insufficient so far with my goal of "less tech internet" - but baby steps and reduce, review, and relax…"my phone is not nearly as important as I think it is" is a mantra on full loop in my head while I'm out for the day - I'm trying!!!!

I do not applaude cancel culture - but quixotically I deeply believe we could all use a bit less of this 'stuff" in our lives…I fully support a non-targeted digital detox…

less internet more life and we'd all be better off

so far I'm satisfied with my 2024 Macan EV Turbo but also deeply aware of Porsche's many many many many frustrating short comings with their EV efforts - however…I still can't think of an actually for sale EV product in North America that I'd swap it for - it's the best in the set of choices and trade offs in my opinion for it's "type" of vehicle/market segment…but it's far far far from perfect (vs. my 911 GT3 which is the benchmark for production/market segment perfect and widely recognized in the market and industry as holding that position)…if not a Macan EV then what? Please I've outgrown a Model Y and I've been there done that with a Model X - what else ya got?

@OutofSpecDave please feel welcome and not attacked - we're all here together and just trying to get to "the truth" during this early phase of EV transitions…

@Fun TC Driving I applaud any reduction of internet content consumption to simplify one's life and focus and love your enthusiasm for the Macan - it's one I share with you.

we all need to push Porsche to do better, cause they are not there yet - and also they seem to be losing a bit of faith and reverting to past glory rather than using their position, experience to push for the solutions we need to reduce/remove our ICE historical dependancies…

actual products are very very hard, much harder than they appear…

I saw a baboon today, in real life, just doing his thing (and it was obviously a him, OMG they let it all hang out) around people at a scenic location - it was way better than _ANY_ YT content…

I recomend a really nice drive in the car of your choice from your personal garage with music of your choice to avoid the plague of internet content - that after all is why most of us are here - we love our cars! Let's not lose sight of that and we're fortunate to have these "problems"…

in summary - wow what a review - OMG how did you get there - but honestly we could all use a bit less of this - just chill - make take a nice drive in your Macan to reaffirm the most important review of all - your own personal review…but yeah - let's chill - the internet isn't always a good thing, and it's wrong as often as it's right…some weeks more than others one direction or the other…

go find a baboon or something to contemplate! it will get you out of your head which we could all benefit from…


my $0.02 YMMV
IMHO, one of the best and wisest posts I’ve read on this forum. <tips hat> Thank you for writing it.



Macan 4
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I would take this score with a pinch of salt. Either that or I am one of those lucky guys that had no major issues. I was in a Tesla recently and felt like a cardboard on wheel after driving the Macan for 4 months.


Macan 4S
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I can appreciate that everyone has their own opinion and is entitled to voice it. However, it is unfortunate when someone who clearly has a following and many give credibility to their comments, uses their platform to baselessly manipulate or influence others. I thought that was the province of politicians and friends with Teslas.

From my point of view, the Tesla is not even in the same category as the Porsche. I'm probably biased; this Macan 4S is my 8th Porsche over the years. I come from, and still own sports cars, and was looking for an appropriate SUV. I had a BMW X5M, but it was simply too large here in Barcelona. My search quickly narrowed down to the Macan. Since the ICE is no longer available here, I opted for the Macan 4S EV. I was looking for a sporty, performance oriented, well sorted smaller SUV. There are not many options in this category that interested me and the Macan has not disappointed.

My son in the US has a Tesla and he loves it. However, at least for me, the Tesla is an environmental statement that has good performance but doesn't have much quality control. The Macan, on the other hand, is a sportscar like SUV that just happens to be an EV. The Porsche also makes no excuses for its price. It is expensive, but that is part of the branding. Tesla, and most other car manufacturers try to make as many cars as they can - for the masses. Porsche limits its production and focuses on customers with the necessary resources to pay a premium price that some may not find justifiable. To each, their own.

Porsche - The pursuit of excellence.


Macan 4
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I can appreciate that everyone has their own opinion and is entitled to voice it. However, it is unfortunate when someone who clearly has a following and many give credibility to their comments, uses their platform to baselessly manipulate or influence others. I thought that was the province of politicians and friends with Teslas.
True enough. However, I have a personal policy of avoiding the attribution of motivation. I am sure @OutofSpecDave is perfectly capable of responding if he chooses to, but I see no reason to think that Dave is trying to "manipulate" (maybe by effect "influence") ("baselessly" or otherwise) others?

As a member of the "Dave" club, I also respond to @daveo4EV, who reminds all of us not to take any of this overly seriously. I don't know about you guys, but I find participating in forums like this to be recreational (if also occasionally practically educational), as I suspect the vast majority of you do too, and I try to give back when I can. Unfortunately, as I am sure most of us recognize, sometimes it becomes all too easy to take this stuff too seriously, and given the impersonality of the forum, to sound offensive to others, whether we intend to or not. It happens that because of the nature of his videos, and the involvement of his family (wife and son in particular), perhaps we have a slightly more personal (if one-way) relationship with @OutofSpecDave. (And @daveo4EV has shared with us extensively as well).


Macan 4S
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Oof! Tough audience!
The difference is, though, that @OutofSpecDave is one of us (a Macan 4 owner and a member of this forum), so IMHO what he says might hit a little closer to home.
Hey, I think it's cool to hear all kinds of opinions. If anything, my admittedly sardonic reply was aimed at posters who, in my opinion, are putting too much weight on one person's opinion.

A million people who we love and respect can tell us we're the greatest but for some reason we dwell on that very few who had something negative to say. It's called negative bias. I too suffer from that affliction when it comes to certain things. 🥴 (I don't know what that emoji means, just thought it was funny).


Macan 4S
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True enough. However, I have a personal policy of avoiding the attribution of motivation. I am sure @OutofSpecDave is perfectly capable of responding if he chooses to, but I see no reason to think that Dave is trying to "manipulate" (maybe by effect "influence") ("baselessly" or otherwise) others?

As a member of the "Dave" club, I also respond to @daveo4EV, who reminds all of us not to take any of this overly seriously. I don't know about you guys, but I find participating in forums like this to be recreational (if also occasionally practically educational), as I suspect the vast majority of you do too, and I try to give back when I can. Unfortunately, as I am sure most of us recognize, sometimes it becomes all too easy to take this stuff too seriously, and given the impersonality of the forum, to sound offensive to others, whether we intend to or not. It happens that because of the nature of his videos, and the involvement of his family (wife and son in particular), perhaps we have a slightly more personal (if one-way) relationship with @OutofSpecDave. (And @daveo4EV has shared with us extensively as well).
To the Daves:
Looking at my post, I see that I made a bad choice of words. I didn’t mean to ascribe any ill will to OoS, but I can see how the word “manipulate” can sound that way. My comment was really based on my feeling that an influencer that has a great deal of credibility posted a review that was so far from what I thought was fair and reasonable. But apparently OoS says that despite his review, he loves the car. Unfortunately only those on this forum will hear that comment.

Hopefully, people who make investments of this size will make up their own mind on whether a Tesla 3 is better than a Porsche. There really is no comparison!

Please everyone, don’t take what anybody, myself included, says as a reason not to post, review, comment, or reply about any topic. No one should feel pressure to be biased, for or against. Speak your mind and be honest.

Budget M3

Macan 4S
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social media influencers are all about getting clicks and engagement. Negative reviews tend to get more views which means more $$$/£££/€€€ for the originator. just reading a few of the comments here tells me all I have to know about the video—no need to further line the pockets of this clownish reviewer!


Macan Turbo
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Macan 4
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In a comment on the video, I questioned Dave’s use of negative scores, especially since he wasn’t willing to score above his highest point total in a category (as his wife suggested). Each score should be bounded by zero and the maximum weight.

I was particularly disheartened that he was the one scoring the vehicle when it is his wife’s daily driver. She should have rated it, and then he could weigh in on her score - but maybe not. As someone stated above, if the Tesla is so great, why did his wife fall in love with the Macan?

His score of 2.5 on handling was off the mark. He referred to Kyle driving the car in Colorado, but didn’t elaborate (as if Kyle is the master authority on handling). And how do you score handling? I have a “floaty barge” like Audi Etron with a soft ride that I like at times, and a taut, sportier Macan with a stiffer ride that I also like. While most would rate the Macan better, it is reasonable to ask which is better under differing conditions and driving styles. Yet he offered no deeper discussion here.

I bought my first EV after watching an OOS review. I am fond of these guys. I think their 10% 15 minute charge range test provides data on a key, road-tripping attribute of each EV. Yet Kyle hasn’t followed through on testing each vehicle they review. Kyle seems increasingly distracted by shiny things. Dave’s scoring system could add a more quantitative basis for the reviews, but more than one person should be involved. Success in business in part comes from mastering a skill by applying it over and over in a disciplined manner. Sadly, I watch fewer of their videos now - sadly because I like these guys.
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Budget M3

Macan 4S
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Clownish? This is some community here. Wow
I apologize for use of the incendiary adjective. However, I stand by the comments that negative reviews tend to generate more interaction and views than positive Reviews, which is why there are so many more negative reviews (of almost any car) on YT. I get that as someone who makes money from this you want to maximize your audience and generate more interactions. IMHO It is completely ridiculous to state a scoring scale of 1-10 and then give a review a -2. Seems like a pretty clear lack of objectivity to me.


Macan Turbo
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In a comment on the video, I questioned Dave’s use of negative scores, especially since he wasn’t willing to score above his highest point total in a category (as his wife suggested). Each score should be bounded by zero and the maximum weight.

I was particularly disheartened that he was the one scoring the vehicle when it is his wife’s daily driver. She should have rated it, and then he could weigh in on her score - but maybe not. As someone stated above, if the Tesla is so great, why did his wife fall in love with the Macan?

His score of 2.5 on handling was completely bogus. He referred to Kyle driving the car in Colorado, but didn’t elaborate (as if Kyle is the master authority on handling). And how do you score handling? I have a “floaty barge” like Audi Etron with a soft ride that I like at times, and a taut, sportier Macan with a stiffer ride that I also like. While most would rate the Macan better, it is reasonable to ask which is better under differing conditions and driving styles. Yet he offered no deeper discussion here. For me, his score here calls into question most or all of Dave’s other scores.

I bought my first EV after watching an OOS review. I am fond of these guys. I think their 10% 15 minute charge range test provides data on a key, road-tripping attribute of each EV. Yet Kyle hasn’t followed through on testing each vehicle they review. Kyle seems increasingly distracted by shiny things. Dave’s scoring system could add a more quantitative basis for the reviews, but not if only one person is doing it (and seemingly doing it capriciously). Success in business in part comes from mastering a skill by applying it over and over in a disciplined manner. Sadly, I watch fewer of their videos now - sadly because I like them.
Very well put!

It’s a shame because I too like the OOS content, despite the sometime painful length of the videos (even at 1.5x speed).

But I stand by my post on the first page, this video… nope.
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