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Search results

  1. Air Conditioning Issue - Not Functioning!? (Freon Issue)

    Still have not had my Macan EV delivered. "Waiting for parts to get through customs"
  2. Air Conditioning Issue - Not Functioning!? (Freon Issue)

    They don't really care. I just always wire transfer the money, so I don't have to go the bank and get a cashiers check. Just assumed they would have the car ready in a day or two.
  3. Air Conditioning Issue - Not Functioning!? (Freon Issue)

    Macan EV delayed delivery because of AC hose. Signed paperwork, paid for car back in late September. Sales guy called back yesterday to say there is a problem with AC hose and they need a part before they can make delivery. He has no date as of today 10/10. Wonder if this is related to the...
