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Search results

  1. ColdCase

    One-pedal driving

    Yes, slippery roads demand gentle inputs. I've read of how dangerous the combination of Tesla's one pedal and snow/ice can be for the typical driver. Perhaps there is something new. My experience on slippery roads has been that when you leave off the throttle, aggressive regen kicks in and you...
  2. ColdCase

    One-pedal driving

    How does it work in snow/slippery conditions? I would think the sudden application of regen would cause control problems.
  3. ColdCase

    Macan 4s

    I've seen a couple 4S reviews on Youtube, I think there was a thread on it maybe a month ago. https://www.macanevowners.com/forum/threads/have-there-been-any-%E2%80%98official%E2%80%99-reviews-of-the-4s-by-trade-publications.19747/
  4. ColdCase

    Charge status and climate not accessible in app

    Is this the Android phone app? I've read there was some issues with a recent app update.
  5. ColdCase

    Off-roading, post your pics

    As an off road enthusiast, rocks can dent metal and you move on, thiner steel and aluminum dent easier. There is a weight penalty for thicker steel. Even well made fiberglass/composite/plastic has a tendency to shatter or break apart, however. Then you have zero protection. For sticks...
  6. ColdCase

    [Poll] - Porsche charging specification lie? Macan is not allowing 11 kW max charge rate - capped at 40 amps? 9.6 kW max rate.

    Sorry, I was just saying that I read here that documents written for the NA typical single phase AC are different than those written for the typical EU three phase conventions and the EU tech writers overlook that folks here can be confused by that. The Macan may take more from the three phase...
  7. ColdCase

    PCM and Apple Lossless Music

    Dunno how you are getting media on the USB stick. But there is something about conversion and just copying files from the media folder thats different. Conversion/export removes DRM, but, last I checked, Apple doesn't allow conversion of media you didn't buy. Last I checked, when you export...
  8. ColdCase

    Tried 22", 21" and 20" impressions from one day

    Keep in mind that 20, 21, 22 is the rim size and the OEM tires all have about the same diameter (22s are much wider than 20s). So , depending where the interference spot is, you get about the same chain clearance. You would need to go to a smaller diameter tire to provide more chain clearance.
  9. ColdCase

    [Poll] - Porsche charging specification lie? Macan is not allowing 11 kW max charge rate - capped at 40 amps? 9.6 kW max rate.

    Keep in mind that you need three phase power and a compatible EVSE to get more than so called 9.6 indicated anywhere in the world as far as I know (there are areas where 3 phase is common, others like the US where not). Smart 220v single phase EVSEs seem to only provide 9 to 9.6 as indicated by...
  10. ColdCase

    Snow ❄️ in Frunk!!

    The inexperience or distracted will try to slam it, thats one reason the SA suggested to get in the habit of using the forearm.
  11. ColdCase

    Snow ❄️ in Frunk!!

    My salesperson bent his elbow and used his entire forarm across the front of the hood to spread the load, and suggested I do the same.
  12. ColdCase

    The 14-way and 18-way seats really don't suit tall drivers

    I'm average height with broader shoulders and hips. The 14 way bottoms are narrow enough that I start getting a hip pointer within an hour or two. The back doesn't bother me. I have no issues with a flatter seat like my pickup or office chair. But some car seats are a pain in the rear. I'm...
  13. ColdCase

    Brand new Turbo: Multiple issues

    I haven't seen any of these issues so far, but its only been 600 miles. The lane assist can be a little annoying if not used under the conditions it is best at and sometimes puts up too much of a fight. But the button at the end of the cruise control stalk quickly turns it off and on. I'm...
  14. ColdCase

    Active Lane Keeping Assist Position Adjustment?

    Yeah, the little disable/enable button at the end of the cruise control stalk is getting a workout. In my youth I would hug the right side until the day the car dropped off a curb and I rolled it. What I seem to recall is after changing lanes and releasing the turn signal the Macan tracks...
  15. ColdCase

    Active Lane Keeping Assist Position Adjustment?

    Active lane keeping assist hugs the right side of the North American lanes much more than I prefer and it seams I'm always fighting it around traffic. It seems to place the driver's seat right in the middle of the lane. instead of a bit to the left. I think I read somewhere that the relative...
  16. ColdCase

    What's the order / delivery status of your Macan EV? [Update your status if/when it changes]

    My 4S production/delivery history .. Predicted (actual dates) There was a four day delay crossing the Atlantic due to stormy weather and then stop over port congestion. Ordered 11/22/24 Dealer estimated delivery 2/21/25 more or less Freeze date 12/2/24 √ (12/2/24) Manufacturing process...
  17. ColdCase

    Sound system Macan EV standard, bose, burmester

    I've been into high performance car audio for decades now. I think the base system is actually very good and satisfying for casual listening, if you turn up the base a notch or two. The thumping car shaking alarm triggering base is missing, if that defines your idea of a quality sound system...
  18. ColdCase

    On the issue of charge port doors being misaligned…

    My manual doors seem to settle into a slightly different alignment every time I open and close them. A little pressure here or there puts them back into place, more or less.
  19. ColdCase

    Is the radar heated

    The radar shouldn't be affected by condensation, perhaps snow/ice but there would need to be a least a quarter inch or so. The optics certainly would be degraded. Also RF interference like you get around some airports. I've driven in some nasty and cold weather and have seen the optical aids...
