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Search results

  1. adamjay79

    Brand new Turbo: Multiple issues

    Had ours for just under a month and knock on wood no issues.
  2. adamjay79

    Dealer recall - battery inspection

    We’ve had our turbo for a couple of weeks and I’ve heard nothing of this and checking on the NHSTA website. I do not see anything either.
  3. adamjay79

    Car Wash - Won't stay in neutral

    So I literally just finished washing my turbo and had no problem putting the vehicle in neutral. I did make sure to go in and turn off comfort access to ensure that the hood did not pop open, but I had no problems whatsoever.
  4. adamjay79

    Looking for feedback on Turbo, would you buy again?

    LOVE our Turbo and would do it over again every single day.
  5. adamjay79

    [Data] - 285 miles range on single charge in 2024 Macan Turbo EV - OMG I'm happy

    Similar to what I see with my Turbo and very similar to what I got in my M3P Highland.
  6. adamjay79

    Rear Axle Steering or Heads Up Display?

    I too have both and wouldn’t want to be without either. I will say the HUD is the best I’ve ever had.
  7. adamjay79

    Less than positive review

    Similar spec minus the insulated glass and I agree 100%. My ONLY issue is I cannot get my profiles to pair with my keys which is probably something I am doing wrong.
  8. adamjay79

    Less than positive review

  9. adamjay79

    Less than positive review

    interesting - this is the exact opposite experience I have had coming from several Tesla performance models. I think the build quality and drive performance of my Turbo is stellar.
  10. adamjay79

    Cannot get key/seat/profile to pair

    Loving my turbo so far but for the life of me I cannot get our keys to pair with our profiles. I've logged into my profile - set everything up, hit set 1 - hit set and unlock on the remote to pair (yellow confirmation) and have done the same for my wife with the exception of set 2 and being on...
  11. adamjay79

    2025 Macan Turbo in Slate Grey Neo delivered!

    Just picked up our Turbo Tuesday and got tint today.
  12. adamjay79

    New Delivery Turbo - Ice Gray

    Coming from 5 years of many performance Teslas. Overall, blown away with build and drive quality. Ice Gray High gloss black 22 spyder rims, side mirrors, door handles, accents Side panel matching paint Chalk interior carbon trim Rear Axle Steering Passenger Display HUD Premium package...
  13. adamjay79

    SOLVED New Turbo - not charging

    Rookie mistake - was using the wrong adapter
  14. adamjay79

    SOLVED New Turbo - not charging

    Just picked up our Turbo last night. I have the TeslaTap connected to my home charger. I plug in the car and the charging light turns white but the car won't charge. It just gets stuck in initializing. Any one have any suggestions?
  15. adamjay79

    Finally Here (sort of)

    Thanks so much. Will look even better when tinted.
  16. adamjay79

    Finally Here (sort of)

    Just arrived at the dealership after ordering in November. Hoping to pick up today or tomorrow.
  17. adamjay79

    What's the order / delivery status of your Macan EV? [Update your status if/when it changes]

    Ours showed up to the port on 2/14 and is sadly still there.
  18. adamjay79

    Just picked up my 4S - initial comments, reactions, etc. FYI - It was WORTH THE WAIT!!

    Jealous. Our turbo hit the port in Jacksonville on the 14th and is still there.
