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Search results

  1. Delivered: Macan Turbo EV Beast @ 1 week +1,250 miles - Aventurine Green + Truffle Brown Club Leather!!

    My Turbo with this same combo just arrived yesterday. Get it, you will not regret it. I got neodyme wheels on mine, color combo is GREAT. I posted the picture of mine below, it is still at the dealership.
  2. Phone as Key is coming - found option called ‘Digital key’ in PCM

    Can someone translate what this says? Does this mean it will be sent to all existing Macans or only installed in NEW production as of 25/25?
  3. Phone as Key is coming - found option called ‘Digital key’ in PCM

    Yes, I did not say it was a perfect workaround. However, it does allow you to not have to carry a key and for people like myself and many others that is very important. I almost did not buy this car because of the lack of digital key. My last car, an X3M Competition, even had digital key.
  4. Phone as Key is coming - found option called ‘Digital key’ in PCM

    I do not believe the fact that I do not have both keys in my possession would be a proper basis for my carrier to deny coverage. If such a thing were to happen, I would likely have a bad faith lawsuit filed against my carrier by the end of business the same day over some bullshit like that (I...
  5. Phone as Key is coming - found option called ‘Digital key’ in PCM

    This is good news, my Macan hasn't even been delivered but I already planned a work around for lack of digital key. If this pans out to be true, my work around will not be necessary. I bought Faraday bags on Amazon for $7.00 to keep the key fob in the car. I tried it on my other cars and it...
  6. Tariff anxiety . . .

    My Turbo is in Jacksonville too, I got the notification late yesterday that it is en route to my dealer finally.
  7. Where is this Porsche dealer premium experience that I keep hearing about?

    I may be the oddball, but the 2 dealers I get my cars from (BMW, Porsche) know not to TOUCH my cars. My cars come straight from the factory off the truck, get PDI and that is it! I specifically request to remove plastic, shipping tape, etc. myself and then I have my own detail guy go to the...
  8. Door Sill Guards

    Can someone who has the black brushed post real life pics of it?
  9. Door Sill Guards

    Yes, I am sorry. It was the Turbo. The fact that you could spec brushed aluminum (non black) three me off, thank you for clarifying.
  10. Door Sill Guards

    I notice in the options, there is an option for a $0 cost "door sill guards in brushed aluminum." If I do not check this option, what are the door sill guards made of? The Porsche website is not clear at all on this issue.
  11. Delivered: Macan Turbo EV Beast @ 1 week +1,250 miles - Aventurine Green + Truffle Brown Club Leather!!

    What do you mean buy this-- Apple CarPlay integration (including the HUD)? What CarPlay elements show up in the HUD? I have not opted for the HUD in my order, but your comment has piqued my interest. By the way, my Turbo order is the same color inside and out as yours, even RS Spyder...
  12. Delivered: Macan Turbo EV Beast @ 1 week +1,250 miles - Aventurine Green + Truffle Brown Club Leather!!

    Thank you. For those who have the passenger screen, do you feel like the dash looks "unfinished" without the wood trim piece that gets deleted when you get the passenger screen?
  13. Delivered: Macan Turbo EV Beast @ 1 week +1,250 miles - Aventurine Green + Truffle Brown Club Leather!!

    OP--can you post an up close picture of your dash where the passenger display would be? I just realized that if I keep passenger display I lose the Summerwood trim on the dash. I would like to see it up close to make the final decision.
  14. Macan 4 - Offoad package

    I'm doing the full pack just because I can't stand how unfinished the back looks down at the bottom plastic without it. Even though I'm getting the Turbo, and it has the Turbonite accent on the rear bottom plastic trim, I still think it looks terrible and that something is missing. The full...
  15. Macan EV Turbo build: anything missing?

    I did not spring for insulated glass, did not know if the benefit was there. I did add the "off-road package" though because I think the back end looks more "finished" with the skid plate on the bottom. the only substantial upgrades I did not get were HUD and rear wheel steering.
  16. Macan EV Turbo build: anything missing?

    I am on the fence about deleting it from my Turbo order and going with Bose. Can you elaborate more on why you feel this way? It would be helpful to me to hear.
  17. Macan EV Turbo build: anything missing?

    Why do you say avoid Burmester?
  18. Days away from 2025 Macan 4S...wondering if I made a mistake!

    What is the cut off for 2025 Model Year?
  19. Days away from 2025 Macan 4S...wondering if I made a mistake!

    I have a Turbo allocation as well. I sold my X3M Competition last April and have been waiting for the allocation for my Macan EV Turbo, fingers crossed no issues!
