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Search results

  1. Supercharger to CCS adaptors

    Might want to check on that, here’s a current map of magic dock superchargers. I know, I was surprised as well!
  2. Spoiler confusing me

    I agree that the behavior is going to be speed dependent. This diagram is speculation on my part but is how I imagine it could be based on what I've seen from the pickup truck example (tailgate UP gets better MPG). Interesting read here. Really I have no idea how accurate this is, take it...
  3. What's in a name? What did you name your Macan EV in MyPorsche App?

    Don’t have mine yet but if it ends up Aventurine, considering “Hypnotoad”.
  4. All Weather Floor Mats vs Weathertech

    I bought weather tech on my last car. They do fine for protection but after the first winter they looked horrible and nothing I did made them look good. Just caked with salt and dust, scrubbed and scrubbed and always had a dirty haze. I guess there is probably no way around that, there probably...
  5. Spoiler confusing me

    This reminds me of the test done where a truck gets better MPG with the tailgate UP, which is counterintuitive. Tailgate down increases drag - you would think it would make the truck “smoother” but the tailgate up creates a large rolling cushion of air in the bed that keeps the air flowing...
  6. Delivered: Macan Turbo EV Beast @ 1 week +1,250 miles - Aventurine Green + Truffle Brown Club Leather!!

    I look forward to you getting it and posting more detail!
  7. Delivered: Macan Turbo EV Beast @ 1 week +1,250 miles - Aventurine Green + Truffle Brown Club Leather!!

    Thanks for posting. I have the same color combo on order but have apprehensions that it may look a bit “army/camo” when seeing the green and brown together if the shades are just right. At the same time I am considering maybe the Bordeaux leather as a complementary color to the green, but I...
