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Search results

  1. shawn

    Macan EV Charger Cover Flap Not Flush

    You would think that would happen. The TI is new so maybe from now on
  2. shawn

    Macan EV Charger Cover Flap Not Flush

    Man...these guys need to do their jobs. It took my guys almost no time to figure this out. The internal document (which they did not show me but explained in detail) is called a TI (Technical Information). They should call the Victoria BC service department if they cannot find it but if...
  3. shawn

    Macan EV Charger Cover Flap Not Flush

    Ah ok...yeah just saying you should not have to wait more than a day in the shop and not weeks for them to get a new one.
  4. shawn

    Macan EV Charger Cover Flap Not Flush

    Wait what...they do not should not need to order you new doors. They need adjust them unless your doors are so warped they cannot adjust them.
  5. shawn

    Macan EV Charger Cover Flap Not Flush

    You don't need to ask for your money back because of this. The technicians need to find the recently released TI (Tech info) instructions in their database and use them to adjust the door. They did it for me in about 1.5 hours. It is a quick fix if they know what they are doing. My door...
  6. shawn

    Macan EV Charger Cover Flap Not Flush

    Why are they replacing them? They have a document (TI bulletin) that technicians can follow to adjust them in their shop. They did that for me, and now the original misaligned ones are flush. It took them 1.5 hours to do it. I explain in more detail earlier in this thread. There is a chance...
  7. shawn

    What's in a name? What did you name your Macan EV in MyPorsche App?

    Well since it’s a turbo and it’s green why not “turbotoad”
  8. shawn

    Textured side cladding

    I will put clear PPF over the lettering so that it does not get battered by the elements (peel or collect dirt on the letter edges). The vinyl lettering is pretty sturdy but given its location on the lower part of the door, I will still cover them up.
  9. shawn

    Textured side cladding

    I got the standard blades you show here but found they collected dirt and were hard to keep clean also I was not a big fan of the look so I got new ones. They came unpainted and I had them wrapped in carbon fiber. You really cannot tell the carbon fiber wrap from real carbon fiber with the...
  10. shawn

    Very strange experience I've just been through...........

    Just curious. Do have a dash cam? Others have reported 12v battery drain in some instances so I thought I would ask if that was a factor.
  11. shawn

    Official: Macan will be electric only - Porsche stands by earlier decision

    Just need to upload your consciousness to an NVIDA human robot to enjoy driving your Porsche for a long time.
  12. shawn

    My Bulletproof Macan Turbo EV

    s So if bullets are a concern why didn't you go for the cybertruck? :lipssealed:. Just remember to duck because I hear the windows are a weak spot. :fingerscrossed:. Interesting.
  13. shawn

    Macan Turbo in for service Macan 4 loaner, my experience

    If the original issue was no refrigerant then you have a slow leak and it was not likely that the factory just forgot to do it. This makes more sense because production checklists would not deviate on a procedure like that. If pressure is not exactly what it should be it will not work. I...
  14. shawn

    Trunk Emergency release error

    This happened to me about a month ago. Lock the car with the remote and then leave it for 30 minutes. The error stopped. I went to the dealer and they saw the error in the log but said it was inactive meaning they did not see anything active prompting the error. They cleared the log and It has...
  15. shawn

    On the issue of charge port doors being misaligned…

    I bet the screws are loose under the door back panel allowing it to shift. In fact he said that one of the adjusters is a star shaped torsion wheel that pulls the panel in and out. Maybe that’s backed off loose. Ask your service department to find the TI and adjust (including tightening the...
  16. shawn

    On the issue of charge port doors being misaligned…

    Incidentally they had three other Macans there and they all had misalignment issues and now that they know this is the problem they are going to fix all of the unsold ones they have on the lot This is correct. My service department said that Porsche has issued a technical instruction on how to...
  17. shawn

    On the issue of charge port doors being misaligned…

    It’s a technical service bulletin probably stands for technical information they will definitely know
  18. shawn

    On the issue of charge port doors being misaligned…

    I just sent out a text asking them for a reference number but in the mean time if you tell the service department there is a TI out on it, they should find it. The TI is very recent they said...even just last week although they did not give me any more Info. I will update you with more when I...
  19. shawn

    On the issue of charge port doors being misaligned…

    Great news. I paid a visit to my dealer today and they looked Into my flap door alignment...which basically looked like yours. Porsche has come out with a TI which entails removing the boot on the inside of the flap and adjusting 3 torque screws and a star wheel adjustment and bam...fixed...
  20. shawn

    My first Porsche, critique my spec

    Nice build. I love the gloss wheels. You have picked several gloss black options to match but have left the side blades standard (unless I missed something). If so I would reconsider as I got the standard ones and I am replacing them. They collect dirt as the surface has a rough texture and...
