This got no response and I thought I'd piggyback on it. The app (when it's working) gives you TPMS pressure readings with the car parked. All my previous cars, including Porsches, required being driven a minimum distance before reporting a pressure.
So, is the TPMS in the Electric measuring pressure at rest, or simply reporting the pressure recorded during the last drive?
According to Porsche dealer the part number for the TPMS for the Macan EV is 95C-907-255-A. It appears to be shared with several other VW group cars that have the part number 95C-907-255, but I can’t find a definitive source that tells me if the A on the end of the part number is compatible with say, the Audi that used this part number.
i want to get an extra set of TPMS for my extra wheels. The Porsche part is $177 at the dealership, while the Audi part is only $39. Do we have any techs in the group who can verify that the “non-A” part will fit and work properly?