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Search results

  1. Cogs79

    New tires detected warning on the cluster, tire pressure warning light blinking

    Hi, thanks for the information! It worked! For those that experience this, go to Settings->Tire and Pressure Monitor and there is the option for tire sizes. I just toggled to 22" then back to 21" Winter and it worked.
  2. Cogs79

    What sound do your doors make when closing? Solid thunk or rattles?

    Hi, I have a dealer visit scheduled next Wednesday for a number of issues, the majority being rattling. Now that the temperature is warmer, it's like everything is coming loose including the suspension. When the temperature was -16 C, I swear I was almost in tears at how solid the car felt...
  3. Cogs79

    New tires detected warning on the cluster, tire pressure warning light blinking

    Hi, It's still winter here and I haven't changed tires yet my Macan 4 thinks there are new tires. It gives the message on the right pod and blinks the tire pressure light. I got out of the car for a few minutes (powered it off) but it looks like the car deleted/forgot the tire sensor pairing. I...
  4. Cogs79

    Battery heating before driving ?

    I was wondering the same thing. I have never seen my battery warmer than ambient temperature by 1 or 2 degrees C. I am in cold temperatures like Finland and even after driving 45 minutes or more, the battery temperature barely moves, and stays below freezing if the weather is cold enough. That...
  5. Cogs79

    2 clicks to turn off car?

    I used to just hold power button until the car powers off, but noticed it would power back up before I got out of the car. So now I also don't bother with the button at all. The car powers off as soon as I close the door and walk away. The button does have a satisfying, squishy press though. 👆
  6. Cogs79

    What's in a name? What did you name your Macan EV in MyPorsche App?

    Night Fury I was hoping a thread like this would get started! I love dragons, and the "How to Train Your Dragon" series. My Chevy Volt was named Toothless (the main dragon) so I continued the trend and called my Macan EV Night Fury (the type of species that Toothless was).
  7. Cogs79

    Porsche Electric Sport Sound

    I would also like to disable that sound! I come from a 2014 Chevy Volt which was long before EV's had to make pedestrian-friendly sounds. It was almost perfectly silent inside and out. There was the faintest, tiniest electric motor whine on acceleration from a stop but you had to really listen...
  8. Cogs79

    Rear axle steering feels like a tire will fall off when at full lock

    I just did a quick spin around the parking lot, and you're right, it is coming from the front. It's -9C now but won't warm up that much until tomorrow/later this week where we will hit +7 Celsius. Thanks again for the support, really hope this is a normal issue although it is not a comfortable...
  9. Cogs79

    Rear axle steering feels like a tire will fall off when at full lock

    Thanks for the information! It's the first time I felt it despite taking the same turns/speed multiple times but never at these temperatures. Let's see how it feels when I leave the office later today. Temperature should be at -8C compared to -22C this morning. Is this a Porsche/German car...
  10. Cogs79

    Rear axle steering feels like a tire will fall off when at full lock

    Hi, I backed out of my driveway this morning and I thought I felt the rear end wobble like a tire was about to fall off. I shrugged it off as there is snow and ice on the roads and thought I was going over compact snow. When arriving at work, I have to turn full lock to drive right into the...
  11. Cogs79

    Snow ❄️ in Frunk!!

    That's definitely a good use case for the frunk! I was told by the technician (on delivery) that the frunk should be closed by pressing down on the Porsche logo and not anywhere else or it would warp the hood. That kind of made me a bit paranoid to use it frequently. I will make sure it does not...
  12. Cogs79

    Snow ❄️ in Frunk!!

    That can't be normal! I have never used my frunk yet but I will check it out next time it rains or snows. Considering the issues I have been having, this is further proof this car hasn't been tested in rain or snow.
  13. Cogs79

    Annoying rattle/knock when going over bumpy road

    Hi, some quick updates. I am leaning towards the rattle being temperature related, with warmer weather making it worse. It's a very noticeable rattle in the rear. But another thing that I noticed is that going over bumps does not result in a solid "thump" for each axle, but more like multiple...
  14. Cogs79

    The instantaneous KW consumption

    Hi Folks, I have the average consumption on the right pod, but instantaneous consumption is different though. My Chevy Volt showed in real time how much energy that the electric motor was pulling, and also how much was directed to the battery when regen-braking. I really liked knowing what the...
  15. Cogs79

    SOLVED New Turbo - not charging

    Hi, is the light pulsing white or is it solid? Below is the user manual's description of the ring LED colors and patterns: C
  16. Cogs79

    Annoying rattle/knock when going over bumpy road

    Unfortunately the rattle for me was not because of the tools in the rear. It seems to have gotten worse on the way home where I actually checked if the rear-wing was loose. I feel it is the rear hatch again although it is a different sound than the first time. It's a rattle but sounds enclosed...
  17. Cogs79

    Annoying rattle/knock when going over bumpy road

    Thanks for the tip. I removed the tool and lug nut, wrapped them in a cloth bag and put them aside. I'll so tonight if the sound is still there once I leave the office.
  18. Cogs79

    Annoying rattle/knock when going over bumpy road

    Hi Folks, I had a rear hatch rattle that was looked at and adjusted a few weeks ago but now it's back and even worse. It's coming from the rear right side, and it happens on every single bump. The front suspension knock is also back (although the dealer was not able to reproduce it when I...
  19. Cogs79

    Lowest suspension setting?

    Ok I do the exact same thing, especially with snow accumulation making the angle to my sloped driveway even sharper. Is the lowest setting the best to minimize wear on the air suspension? Every time that I mention to car people that I have the air suspension, their first reaction is how much...
  20. Cogs79

    Plug & Charge Issues

    Hi Folks, add another working Plug and Charge to the list because of the Privacy settings toggle! I am based in Montreal, Canada so it works for us Canadians too. Here's my exact scenario: -Plug and Charge icon is greyed out in Charging menu -Tapping the greyed out menu item gives an error that...
