Le tube d'affichage sur la droite peut être réglé pour afficher la consommation moyenne/actuelle en kW dans diverses mesures pendant que vous conduisez – par exemple kw/mi et kwh/100 km.
Cela peut être modifié dans le PCM :
Dans le PCM, allez dans Paramètres -> Système -> Unités -> E-Consommation -> sélectionnez différents modes.
(Désolé pour les erreurs, ceci est traduit de l'anglais car je ne parle pas français).
Hi Folks, I have the average consumption on the right pod, but instantaneous consumption is different though. My Chevy Volt showed in real time how much energy that the electric motor was pulling, and also how much was directed to the battery when regen-braking. I really liked knowing what the Volt was doing in real-time. And when I had the Macan S (ICE) courtesy car, I also liked the torque split view between front and rear axles.
I will check the trip details on my way home tonight, but I am not sure I saw instantaneous kW. With the Volt, I liked understanding how much the HVAC system (resistive heating) was drawing during the winter, AC in the summer, one-pedal-driving vs coasting etc. It's geeky to care about all this but I am an engineer and so it is genetic for me to want to understand how things work at the lowest level.