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Instrument Cluster failure issue (does not turn on and stays blank / dark)


Macan Turbo
Well-Known Member
First Name
Jan 28, 2019
Reaction score
Santa Cruz
Macan Turbo,Cayenne Hybrid, 911(s) GT3/Convertable
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Does holding volume button down just reboots the system vs a reset?
so got in the car this morning:
  • started it as normal
  • instrument dash functioning fine
  • took me a few minutes to notice that the center screen & passenger display was "black"
  • touching the screen made "blip" sounds - but no display
  • shifting into reverse (when I got to where I was going) showed backup camera display as normal on center screen
  • shifting into park screens went back to black
  • opened the door and got the "getting out car Lock Screen" for 1/4 of a second
  • locked the car and walked away for a few minutes
  • came back to vehicle and got back in - center screen and passenger screen show "boot up logos" - take a while
  • drop to black after boot logos
the volume button recovered both of the screens in less than 30 seconds (almost the moment I touched it) so I don't think I actually reset anything…

but I'm glad it's recovered - the driving instrument display was 100% functional the entire time

strange set of problems…

gotta love software.
