Some water/condensation inside the headlight casing is normal & fine. It's only if water pools or remains that it's an issue. I do not see a problem with the photos you sent, although take more photos if the problem seems more severe.Water is clearly on the inside… and not once but regularly the past months
I see condensation cloud on the inside that is considered normal. See below.Water is clearly on the inside… and not once but regularly the past months
Is so foggy in San Fran that it is probably hard to differentiate inside vs outside foggingThose of you saying water on the inside of a headlight is normal are making excuses for poor assembly. I have had many many cars and the only time water was ever on the inside of a headlamp is when the lens was cracked or a seal was leaking. It cannot be normal and expected because the water condensation on the inside interferes with the projection of the light. Pitteken needs to have this leak repaired.
You could try googling it. Modern headlights have vents. Vents allow outside air in. Air has moisture. Air with moisture in an enclosed space = ???My neighbor’s car, built two after mine, delivered a week after mine, parked outside in the same neighborhood as mine, has condensation in both running lights and I have none. Saying this condensation is normal and acceptable is nonsense. But go ahead and believe some Youtuber because we know they are always right.
As others have said and is normal on all Porsche vehicles.Has anyone had this? Appears with cold and wet weather, dissappears when warmer or with the sun… on both sides