Hi Folks,
Here are pics of my Black Macan 4 EV on the day that I received it. They are not professionally taken pictures (too excited to take the time to compose properly). Two things that I learned about the Macan EV:
1) This car looks so much better in person than in photos.
2) Porsche nailed the color options for this car. After seeing the different colors from other forum member pics, this car looks fantastic in every single color available.
My kids begged me not to get the black metallic. I spend hours online looking at photos of all the other options. It was really hard to make sense of it all. This morning I walked into the local dealer and they had the black, ice grey and slate grey neo. The latter was much much darker in real life than I had anticipated. The ice grey was nice but not right for a sports car. The black metallic is by far the most classy of them all. With those DTRL it looks like a black panther. That visit made it an easy decision. Relieved I went into the show room and that my mind is now made up