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Macan Base
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London, UK
Previous BMW i4 eDrive 40, now Porsche Macan Base EV
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I thought that too.
If I'm not wrong in other Porsches, like a Taycan, its an add-on under monthly subscription or outright buy, and they offer first 3 months of it subscription free.
Oh, well 🤦‍♂️[/QUOTE]



Macan 4
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Thanks for the great detailed review! I too was torn between the Taycan and the Macan EV. Wanted a sportier car (Taycan) but also wanted the latest tech and versatility of a compact SUV (e.g., tow hitch option for bike rack on the Macan). Ultimately ordered the Macan 4S considering the $35K price difference.

Incidentally, I debated about ordering the HUD since I too was impressed after seeing it at the Atlanta PEC but decided instead to get rear axle steering for about the same cost. I figured that I would benefit from RAS daily whereas I wouldn’t need the HUD very often on my local commutes (might find it distracting) and rarely go on long drives to new destinations where it would be extremely valuable.
Same here. RAS was something I definitely wanted but was on the fence for the HUD for the same reason. Mostly local driving and very little need for extensive navigation aid. Still great to hear it is well done


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Jan 11, 2021
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Aberdeen, Scotland
GTS ST, Macan T (EV upgrade a tempter!)
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Screenshot 2024-10-28 at 8.40.56 AM.jpg

had a wonderful opportunity this past weekend to be hosted by Porsche North America on a perfect lovey drive in both of Porsche's current EV offerings.

the setting:
  • https://www.skywalkervineyards.com/Shop/Wines - Porsche experience day location
  • https://www.cavallopoint.com/- the hotel my wife and I stayed to turn our Porsche experience into a weekend getaway
    • highly recommend this little gem of a hotel/resort/location - OMG who knew? such nice location and property - highly recommend visiting and/or staying if you're looking for a North Bay experience.

the agenda
the hardware
  • fully loaded 2024 Macan Turbo(s) x 3
  • fully loaded 2025 Taycan GT(s) x 2
  • fully loaded 2025 Taycan TurboS x 1
  • fully loaded Cayenne Turbo Hybrids - lead cars for two groups of future customers
  • 200+ Porsche sports cars later in the afternoon for a 000 fan fest celebrating 50 years of Porsche Turbo power…
the route - a lovely jaunt through the Marin valley region with a stop in Stinson beach - and a scenic twisty coastal drive back to the vineyard…for the party to begin.


It's hard to go wrong with either the Taycan or the Macan - both vehicles have their pluses and minus,​
If you want Porsche next level "tech/software" get the Macan​
if you want Porsche's next level mechanical engineering get the Taycan Gen2 - but prepare to live with previous generation "tech"​
both cars are excellent - please don't make me choose - I'm going forward with my Macan Turbo purchase - but the Taycan gen2 was damm impressive - however so is it's price.​
Macan is now wife approved - and if your wife is like my wife that's saying A LOT! She's fussy and picky about her "stuff" and the Macan meets her standards - after 25+ years with her I can suggest her endorsement means you can skip the rest of this posting.​

Lasting impressions:
  • the Macan Turbo is excellent
    • tech is vastly better vs. other Porsche vehicle's - if Porsche keeps this vector I have hope for their future
      • AR HUD is game changing vs. Taycan HUD - vastly more sophisticated software
      • CarPlay driving directions in the HUD - win!!
      • AR HUD is very very interesting and useful - real step up for Porsche
    • Macan cabin is a joy to be in
    • Macan Turbo is quick but in some 40-80 mph stuff it was quick but not "urgent"
    • rear seats are tight but sufficient
    • android based PCM is an improvement
    • Innodrive is a new version and vastly improved vs. my other Innodrive vehicles (911 TurboS (992), Cayenne TurboS eHybrid, 2020 Taycan Turbo) - my personal experience and other reviews - Innodrive is now "nearly good enough" - not Tesla Autopilot worthy, but vastly better
      • it's improved enough that I might leave it "on" in my Macan - I have Innodrive disabled in my other 3 Porsche's - and opt for ACC/ALK only with Innodrive disabled
      • Macan is good enough to not turn innodrive off…trust me that's a big endorsement from me in my opinion
    • brake peddle feel is not the best Porsche I've been in but never lacking for stopping power
    • cars were presented with 90% charge and estimated 265 miles on the dash board
    • Macan is full midsized SUV - but Porsche design/feel - higher seating position - great visibility
    • A/C was excellent/powerful - I had to adjust it "down" to be less cold
    • 18 way seats are great, but I prefer the 14 ways w/massage
    • tech was more stable during the drive vs. other Porsche
    • AR HUD has a number of party tricks - I haven't found them all
      • "floating" collision warning - the yellow triangle "tracks" the car in front of you causing the collision warning - right on the logo on the rear trunk lid - it was impressive
      • the ACC distance "buffer" is overlayed in "real" time on the car in front of you. - with the car "cut out" around the graphics - again impressive
      • AR HUD "floats" and bob's and weaves based on vehicle dynamics - tracking corners and steering inputs - it's location is where you're supposed to be looking - on the road
      • during rapid/suddent acceleration - the g-forces are temporarily displayed in HUD and then fade - nice touch
      • Im sure there is more but I only had 1 hour in the car and had to follow the group
    • Ride quality in the Macan Turbo was excellent - ride quality in the Taycan TurboS was next level excellent
    • Macan Cabin noise is very very good
    • Light is very very good
    • entry/exit easier than the Taycan
    • center console in the Macan vastly better than Taycan
    • Tech in the Macan is +1 or +2 vs. Taycan - real step up vs. standard Porsche
    • pressing the left scroll wheel on the steering wheel for many seconds will toggle the HUD on/off - this trick did not work in the Taycan for the HUD
  • the Taycan Turbo GT/TurboS - OMG (and I did 38,000 miles in a 2020 Taycan Turbo)
    • car is never lacking for power
    • Taycan "wraps" around you and feels like a cocoon
    • this car feels like there are claws into the asphalt - turn the wheel and "by your command" is the only response
    • brake peddle feel is vastly better in the gen2 Taycan's
    • paddles on the steering wheel?
    • vastly upgraded dash board - but same PCM as Gen1 Taycan
    • in slow traffic (we were following a wine bus that was painful slow) the Taycan just floated along with me never touching the accelerator or brake pedal - car was smooth and responsive
    • back to back comparison the Taycan HUD is down on tech vs. Macan HUD
      • the Taycan is down on tech in general vs. the Macan in terms of software
    • never "lacking" for power in any speed - so responsive and so much "on tap"
    • active suspension is game changing - this is the best riding sports car I've ever been in
    • car "raises" up quite a few inches to help you get in/out - this is impressive and useful!!
    • Taycan is $35k or more vs. similar optioned Macan - and despite my preconceived bias that the new Taycan isn't that much of an upgrade vs. gen1 - you can "feel" the money - it's a better car - but it's also quite a bit more Money and it's a low slung sedan vs. an upright SUV
    • I drove the Taycan TurboS and the Turbo GT - the GT is OMG, but the TurboS is where I'd want to be (honestly a GTS/Turbo) - slightly more refined, very very similar capabilities, less "raw" than the GT - more useful for actually driving on roads
    • Active suspension is game changing
    • dramatically better than my Gen1 Taycan Turbo - more than I expected
    • car play kept crapping out on me (but it's the same in my other Porsche's)
    • after being in the Macan the Taycan's HUD is "unimpressive" and defiantly "less useful" but still nice vs. no-HUD
Final Thoughts in no particular order…

I'm keeping my Macan Turbo order and will suggest to Porsche they should prioritize my delivery as I might become more grumpy. There is no doubt in my mind that the gen2 Taycan is a better example of vehicle/ev/mechanical techology vs. the Macan. This is not a slight against the Macan, but it is a fact. If you want the best EV vehicle Prosche currently makes - 2025 Taycan no question - but the Macan is damm good and only suffers in back to back driving comparisons vs. the gen2 Taycan - vs. gen1 Taycan I'd suggest equivalent with Macan having a slightly 'fresher' edge and vastly better range.​
But I dont' want a sedan and the Taycan is fully a sedan with all the pro's and con's of a four door sedan. My next car is going to be the Macan Turbo and it's a great car/suv and better than 97% of the cars on the road. After being in both the gen2 Taycan and gen1 Macan however the software tech in the Macan is better vs. Taycan and gives me hope for Porsche's future - this does not close the gap with BMW/Tesla/Mercedes, but it moves closer to acceptable, with the AR HUD being an impressive bit of software. NOTE: my back ground is 30+ years in commercial high profile consumer software - I'm not rating the AR HUD as "useful" (I'd need more time living with it) - but I was impressed as a fellow professional at the software that is behind the AR HUD - this more than a skin-deep overhaul - it's clear to me they are running some sophisticated stuff behind the scenes and have given some thought to the whole affair - I'll look forward to living with it and seeing if it proves useful over the course of time.​
the Taycan gen2 is next level​
the Macan is simply damm impressive and a better "normal" car​
I kinda want both…but will be keeping my Macan Turbo order​
final word on Macan impressions: Wife approved - she drove both the Taycan and Macan also - she fully approves of Macan order, doesn't want the Taycan (but felt/understood it's a better driving car for vastly more money) and came home and configured a Macan 4S for herself - she's thinking 2026 w/NACS native charging port might be her sweet spot for swapping out of her current Cayenne…​
the Macan is a great SUV and EV and I'd be surprised if anyone is disappointed in their purchase - but the Taycan is in fact better but is more money and a different relationship in terms of what you're buying it for.​
pics below - I'm open to questions comments.












Yes but which colour (color)!?


Macan 4
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Aug 17, 2024
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Macan 4, Subaru Solterra
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had a wonderful opportunity this past weekend to be hosted by Porsche North America on a perfect lovey drive in both of Porsche's current EV offerings.
Many thanks for sharing your tremendous experience and detailed review. Looking forward to driving a Taycan after driving my Macan for a month now, though I’m sure the Macan was the best choice for me.

Like you, I have many positive things to say about the HUD. Useful for much more than just speed and turn arrows. More later…


Macan 4S
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Oct 29, 2024
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Audi Q5 55e, Macan 4S IG on order
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Thank you for such detailed and organized feedback. Very useful information!


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I can say with 100% confidence this is NOT the HUD experience from their exiting pre-macon product line…it's better than any other HUD in Porsche's line up - and the other cars are now "down on power" in this dimension vs. the Macan EV.
I took a Macan Turbo EV for a spin last week. It had the AR HUD. I agree with you Porsche is making great progress on the tech, as well as UX improvements - for example the Drive Mode settings are now remembered, not like in the Taycan which they reset each time you switch drive mode. They also moved regen out of Drive Mode, it's a separate global setting now. Overall I liked it a lot. Had it been available a year earlier, I would have gotten one for my wife instead of the Audi Q8 eTron. Maybe the next car.

About the HUD though. I agree it's a step up in functionality, however:
  • For me, the HUD display was a little large, taking too much windshield real estate. At first glance I did not find any setting to scale it down. It kind of made me feel like it's made for the "older crowd". I like the smaller size of Taycan HUD.
  • The AR features were cool, however hindered by other aspects still catching up. For example, lane departure warning showed nicely on the HUD, but the car had trouble keeping track of lanes, so even when I purposefully crossed the lane to see the HUD warning, it didn't work every time.
I did not setup Apple CarPlay for the test drive. Had I known the HUD would show it, I would have, it doesn't take much. That would definitely be nice to try to see if I would like it, or would it be a distraction by taking even more room in my field of vision.

